At Hazardex Live 2024, N-Gen Energy Solutions' Technical and Client Delivery Director Mark Danter will be presenting on the HAR 1 Bradford Low Carbon Hydrogen Refuelling Project.

Along with our project partner, Hygen, N-Gen have been one of the few Developers that has been awarded HPBM funding in Hydrogen Allocation Round 1 (HAR1). The Bradford Low Carbon Hydrogen Project (BLCH) has the largest capacity of the successful projects at 35MW.

The premise of the project is to develop the production, storage and distribution on the old Northern Gas Networks site in Bradford. Using the brown field site has proved challenging in many ways. These include contaminated land, existing natural gas assets and proximity to wide ranging stakeholders. 

About the author:

Mark Danter, Technical and Client Delivery Director at N-Gen Energy Solutions, is a highly experienced chartered engineer with a proven track record of delivering multi-disciplinary project programmes including water, LPG, biodiesel, ethanol and white fuels, as well as methane. Mark has worked for various consultancies over the years but has been working for Northern Gas Networks (NGN) since 2012.

Over the last six years, Mark has been leading NGNs work on hydrogen, developing strategies for the H21 suite of projects, including bid preparation and implementation for the Network Innovation Competition (NIC) and Network Innovation Allowance (NIA) projects. He was also previously Chair of the ‘Network Safety and Impacts Board’ which is led by the Government’s Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ).